❺ “cloakroom” at club [construction] !
a solo-exhibition and participatory performance by Reuben Brown at das/Digital Arts Studios; Belfast [March 2024]“cloakroom” at club [construction] ! is a solo-exhibition, interactive installation and participatory performance by Reuben Brown at das/Digital Arts Studios, Belfast. “cloakroom” at club [construction] ! hopes to reflect a glimmer of the belonging, betrayal, break-up, revenge, recovery and renewal of queer club-spaces, club-cultures and club-communities of the past, present and future (…?).
Stemming from the findings of a long-term research project into the histories of queer club-culture, “cloakroom” at club [construction] ! originates from a fascination with the historical adjacency of avant-garde queer club-communities with heterosexual working-class sports clubs in industrial Western-European cities (such as London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Manchester and Belfast), and the strange, occasional, cultural-phenomena of these polarising club sub-cultures merging as a result of their close-proximity.
“cloakroom” at club [construction] ! blurs the props of hyper-masculinist fandom, sports-spectatorship and fan-culture, with the camp extravagance of queer masculinity and the queer club-space.